Shenzhen J.W. Industries Co., Ltd. Is a professional LED lighting manufacturer. Started and based in Shenzhen, the center of technology industries in China. J.W. has more than 20 years of experience in electric consumer products in both R&D and manufacturing and has become one of the top players in the LED light market.
Factory area200+
More than 200 employees80+
Innovative productsJW-2103FC
* Sunrise simulation alarm clockJW-2302F
* Aroma diffuserJW-2301F
* Aroma diffuserJW-2316C
* Aroma diffuserJW-2103G
* Sunrise simulation alarm clockJW-2010G
* 2 Sunrise simulation alarm clockJW-2011A
* 2 Sunrise simulation alarm clockJW-1909O
* 2 Sunrise simulation alarm clockJW-6639F
* Sunrise simulation alarm clockJW-6640MD
* Sunrise simulation alarm clockJW-6638
* Sunrise simulation alarm clockJW-2302F
* Aroma diffuserJW-2301F
* Aroma diffuserJW-2316G
* Aroma diffuserJW-2316A
* Aroma diffuserJW-2316C
* Aroma diffuserJW-2308A
* Bedside white light/color lightJW-2307E
* Bedside white lightJW-2307A
* Bedside white lightJW-2103FC
* Sunrise simulation alarm clockJW-2010D
* 2 Sunrise simulation alarm clockJW-2011C
* 2 Sunrise simulation alarm clockJW-1909M
* 2 Sunrise simulation alarm clockHongkong Electronics Fair Spring Edition
Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition